February 2021

February 2021 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I have been silent last month since my husband and I were still recovering from Covid in early January. We had the illness over Christmas and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. My husband initially tested positive after a confirmed exposure, I followed a few days later. Our children remained negative, so we had to isolate from them in our own home. Our church really helped us by delivering meals at the time when I couldn't cook. Our doctor and the health department were also amazing frequently checking on us. My husband had a strong course of illness with 10 days of high fevers and all the symptoms in the book, mine was lighter, but fatigue and headaches would sneak in even days later. My son eventually also tested positive just as we were coming out of isolation, the other two kids continued to remain negative. We recovered though and we are grateful for friends and family who helped us through. I am back to performing and teaching and would like to share and invite you to the following events this month: Tonight at 7.30pm I will playing therapeutic music for "A Peaceful Pause" It's the first event in a series of three on February 11th, 18th and 25th on Zoom. Join us for 45 minutes of harp music, deep breathing and essential oils. This is a collaboration with Kindred Collective, each session will have a theme based on the 3 groups of essential oils. 2/11 Grounding (tree oil), 2/18 Soothing (floral oil),...

January 2021

January 2021 Newsletter

Happy New Year friends! Hoping that it will be better than 2020 and live music will return full force to our lives! Wishing you all happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!  

December 2020

December 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I want to wish you a beautiful Advent season and hope that my harp music can help you create festive atmosphere in your homes. It has been a year since I released my third album - Christmas Harp. Christmas music is special. Just like treasured family ornaments come out of the boxes and are carefully placed on the Christmas tree, mom's best china placed on the dinning table, treasured recipes past from generation to generation, Christmas music comes out as well. There is something magical about it that helps us get into the festive spirit year after year! So if you don't have my CD yet or you already lost it, I have a few! If you are interested in a physical copy, let me know and I am happy to mail it to you or have it available for pick up. It makes for a great present too! My CDs are also available for sale at the Music Suite on Providence. If you prefer a digital version, all my CDs are on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer, just search for my name. Thank you for listening! I am excited to say that I will play a live concert tomorrow night ( Friday Dec.4th ), which is a rare occasion right now! It's part of Odyssey Chamber Music Series. Audience is very limited and by invitation only, so don't head out just yet, but watch it at home! The concert premiers tomorrow at 7pm, but the video will be available...

November 2020

November 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I hope you are well! I am much of the same -  my kids learning virtually, I am teaching online, concert halls closed... I was excited last week to vote in the US Presidential Election as this was my first time voting since becoming an American citizen! I know there is not much live music I can invite you to these days, but we continue to produce Harp and Healing services, generally on first Tuesday of each month, this month was an exception due to the election. Also it's too cold for us to gather outside anymore, so we prerecorded the music and the word and it will be published on Youtube tonight at 5.30pm. Healing is so needed in these difficult times and we try to reflect it through meditations, readings and harp music. This month we have a number of special guests! Please tune in at 5.30 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM1KEZfGZrM&feature=youtu.be Of course, just like in the previous months, the recording will be available on YouTube for you to view after the premiere date as well. Next, I would like to talk to you about the possibility of learning to the harp! I am often surprised that people seem to think that playing harp is inaccessible when in fact the opposite is true! I love teaching my young and my adult students and hope to spread the word that anybody can learn how to play the harp! So what if you or your child considered taking harp lessons? What do you do? Contact me! I...

October 2020

October 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I hope this finds you well and healthy! We enjoyed a beautiful weather this past weekend hiking in Arkansas. What a gift of making memories with my kids. Nature has always been my solace, so I am happy that we can bring Harp and Healing outdoors instead of virtually. Weather for tomorrow, Tuesday October 6th looks perfect. So if you would like to relax with live harp music, bring your foldable chair, face mask and join at Broadway Christian Church at 5.30pm! Our minister Terry Overfelt will be back from her sabbatical and will join me with inspirational readings. This service is meant for those who are in need of healing, but at the moment it's all of us! It's free and open for all. More info can be found on my Facebook page or Broadway Christian Church website. November Harp and Healing will be postponed due to Election Day to second Tuesday - November 10th. Weather permitting we might still hold it outdoors. If it's too cold, we will have a virtual one. My symphony playing is still on hold due to Covid - 19, as there is hardly any live music going on right now. I am enjoying performing for wedding ceremonies throughout the Midwest and teaching my harp students, children and adults. For current pictures and videos, please follow me on social media   My Facebook page can be found here https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=maria%20duhova%20trevor%20-%20harpist&epa=SEARCH_BOX Instagram https://www.instagram.com/maria_duhova_trevor_harp/?hl=en YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJc3dL-8XO7hY89QSMZipCA?view_as=subscriber Thank you and stay safe and healthy, Maria  

September 2020

September 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music,   Harp and Healing is back! After the hiatus this spring, virtual event in May and summer break, we are ready to start again! We will hold a live event on the church lawn - to the north side of BCC. You will need to bring your own fold up chair, but there is plenty of space to physically distance and a wonderful shade under the trees! Come and listen to soothing harp music and prayers and meditations of our lead minister Mark Briley. Special treat - my husband will be joining me on cello on several songs. Our country and the world needs healing and we are trying to contribute in a way we know in our community. Please join us! If you do not feel comfortable coming to this live event, we will record it and release it a week later on BCC YouTube channel.   You can view the last H&H in May online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFTMA3-Klpo   In my orchestra world there is not much Live music happening right now as we navigate these unprecedented times in the modern history and try to keep the musicians and our audiences safe. I am happy to say though that both Missouri Symphony and the Springfield Symphony are not silent! The Missouri symphony curated a virtual summer festival put together from the favorite performances of last 10 years. The festival was released online in June and July. The concerts are still available to view anytime now on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5JK8O3gSm0&list=PL1TRZt1-v4f4avOwmPHJeRMw4ka0AVVsy   The Springfield symphony also started releasing virtual concerts...

March 2019

March 2019 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, It's March and we still have snow on the ground around us. As much as I enjoyed this winter, I am ready for beautiful spring and looking forward to Spring Break at the end of this month. But before I head out of town late this month, there are several events and concerts I would like to invite you to. Tonight at 5.30pm, Loft of Broadway Christian Church - Harp and Healing, monthly service of live therapeutic harp music and inspirational words by Pastor Terry Overfelt. Free and open for all in need of healing, be it physical, emotional, relational, healing from grief. More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1111291372384383/?ti=icl I just had the privilege to present the harp and talk about Harp and Healing this morning to the Tuesday Club ( General Federation of Women's Clubs) What a wonderful group of ladies doing so many great things in our community! This coming Sunday, March 10th, 7.30pm at First Baptist Church I will join the Columbia Civic Orchestra in their Missouri Composers Project. The Columbia Chamber Choir joins the CCO to perform new works by Missouri composers,which are selected by a competitive process, during the seventh annual Missouri Composers Project. More information: http://cco.missouri.org/2018-2019-season.html On March 11th, I will join the Missouri Symphony to play 3th Grade concerts. This is the third year the Missouri Symphony has partnered with CPS and is providing 2 concerts in the morning and every third grader enrolled in CPS attends as part of the curriculum. While this is not open to...