October 2020 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music,

I hope this finds you well and healthy! We enjoyed a beautiful weather this past weekend hiking in Arkansas. What a gift of making memories with my kids. Nature has always been my solace, so I am happy that we can bring Harp and Healing outdoors instead of virtually. Weather for tomorrow, Tuesday October 6th looks perfect. So if you would like to relax with live harp music, bring your foldable chair, face mask and join at Broadway Christian Church at 5.30pm! Our minister Terry Overfelt will be back from her sabbatical and will join me with inspirational readings.
This service is meant for those who are in need of healing, but at the moment it’s all of us! It’s free and open for all.
More info can be found on my Facebook page or Broadway Christian Church website.
November Harp and Healing will be postponed due to Election Day to second Tuesday – November 10th. Weather permitting we might still hold it outdoors. If it’s too cold, we will have a virtual one.
My symphony playing is still on hold due to Covid – 19, as there is hardly any live music going on right now. I am enjoying performing for wedding ceremonies throughout the Midwest and teaching my harp students, children and adults.
For current pictures and videos, please follow me on social media