February 2025

February 2025 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I want to wish you a Happy New Year! I know it's February, but I kind of hibernated in January after the busy Holiday season. I also want to extend my invitation to upcoming concerts that feature or include harp this month. Please join me and Pastor Andrew Taylor Peck for Harp and Healing this coming Tuesday February 4th at 6.00PM at Broadway Christian Church. It is a peaceful non denominational service focused on those who are in need of healing -  physical,  emotional, grief... I will be playing therapeutic music sprinkled with evergreen love songs as it is Valentine's Day this month. This service is 45 minutes long and free and open to everyone. Speaking of Valentine's Day - I am honored to be providing background music for special Valentine's dinner the the Country Club of Missouri this year on February 14th! I am looking forward to being back in Springfield this month, playing Mahler's 2.Symphony - The Resurrection with the Springfield Symphony. If you have a chance to hear this magnificent work, don't miss it! The concert is at the Hammons Hall, February 8th at 7.30PM. https://www.springfieldmosymphony.org/concert/and-the-angels-sing/ I am also performing with the MU Wind Ensemble on February 17th at the Missouri Theatre and the Truman State Orchestra on February 22nd at the Ophelia Parrish Fine Arts Center in Kirksville. I hope I will be able to see you at some of these events! If you can't come to live performances please remember my 4 albums are available on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and YouTube for streaming and download. Please keep in touch with me on...

November 2024

November 2024 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I also want to extend my invitation to upcoming concerts that feature or include harp through the end of this year. First and foremost, please join me tomorrow night- Thursday November 21st for a concert of solo harp music at the Columbia Public Library. It will start at 7.00PM in the Friends' Room. I will play a variety of music ranging from classical through musical, movie themes and finishing the program with the grand Baroque Flamenco! More information here: https://events.dbrl.org/event/11956554 Looking into December- please join me and Pastor Andrew Taylor Peck for Blue Christmas on Tuesday December 3th at 6.00PM at Broadway Christian Church. This is an annual Harp and Healing special as December can be especially hard on some people who are dealing with loss of a loved one, illness, divorce or other difficult times in life. Even if you experienced this in the past, it’s the Holidays and the cheery mood around us when these feelings of sadness and loss hit us hard again.  For those who just want to relax with meditative Christmas music join us as well! I am also looking forward to presenting a solo harp concert In Jefferson City on December 12th at 6.30pm at Grace Episcopal church More information here: Music in the Library: Maria Duhova Trevor | Missouri River Regional Library

Music in the Library: Maria Duhova Trev...

December is a busy month for harpists! It has been a tradition at the Missouri United Methodist Church to have the harp take part of their Christmas Eve services. I...

October 2024

October 2024 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I want to invite you to upcoming fall concerts. Harp and Healing - as head into a new season, it is time to change as well. Pastor Terry Overfelt, who was my companion for Harp and Healing services for last several years has retired. With the new ministerial leadership we have decided to make some changes to the service after 13 years of monthly services, we think it's time to slow down a bit and instead hold these services just a few times a year. We are planning on these dates: October 8th, 6:00PM, Broadway Christian Church December 3rd, 6:00PM, Broadway Christian Church February 4th, 6:00PM Unity Church May 6th, 6:00PM, location TBA I am grateful for your continued support of this ministry. Please join me and welcome Pastor Andrew Taylor Peck next Tuesday for this calming and relaxing service. For the rest of the October, my performances are private events. I had a few lovely ones this September as well, for those of you who follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you may have noted the dinner music in Ancient Greek Style, or a backyard birthday party music and a surprise at home harp and piano performance during a dinner for two. Anything is possible, so if you have a dream of harp music for your next event, contact me! I am booking Holiday events now for all of December. If you want to check out pictures from these events, here are the links to my social media. I will also be posting some...

April 2024

April 2024 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, first, I want to let you know that Harp and Healing which usually happens on first Tuesday of each month was rescheduled to next Tuesday due to several aspects out of our control. This will also be the last Harp and Healing of this season as Pastor Terry Overfelt is retiring at the end of this month. So please come and see us on Tuesday April 9th at 6:00PM at First Baptist Church and wish her farewell! Other exciting projects I am involved in this month include a full ballet production of Sleeping Beauty with the Saint Louis Ballet. The performances are on April 26th, 27th and 28th in Saint Louis. More information and tickets available here: Saint Louis Ballet | SLEEPING BEAUTY I am also performing with the MU Philharmonic on Sunday, April 21st at the Missouri Theatre at 3:00PM. Orchestra | School of Music - School of Music Besides these, I am very excited to play a wedding at the Saint Louis City museum this month and a birthday celebration here in Columbia. Take care and have a great month! Maria My Facebook page My Instagram Watch my music videos on my YouTube channel  

March 2024

March 2024 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, with a new month starting, I would like to invite you to a couple of events. I am in Springfield right now, in rehearsals for the program below. Beloved Italian showcase pieces for the whole orchestra. It is a two harp program again this month and I will be joined by a friend harp colleague from Kansas. Tomorrow, March 2nd at 7.30pm. My next invite is for Harp and Healing- a monthly service of therapeutic harp music and thoughtful meditations and prayers. We are in our 13th season, and this year Pastor Terry Overfelt and I decided to broaden our reach beyond the BCC walls and offer this service where we are needed. The date stays the same - the first Tuesday of each month but the location is different each month. We are excited for St. Thomas More Newman Center to host us this time. If you have friends who are in need of healing or simply just want to spend a quiet meditative time with us, join us next Tuesday, March 5th at 6pm. And lastly, not an invitation, but a brag! This year for Valentine's Day, a phenomenal violinist Filip Pogády and I had the privilege to provide a performance on board of a private yacht in the Dominican Republic. If you would like to see more of this adventure, check it out on my Facebook or Instagram. For new pictures and harp videos, please follow me on social media, just click on any of these:   My 

December 2023

December 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I would like to reach out at the beginning of this special month and invite you to hear some beautiful music! First, let's start with the Harp and Healing special Blue Christmas, that will happen tomorrow, Tuesday December 5th at Broadway Christian Church at 6.00PM. This time of year while joyous for most, is difficult for many among us as who deal with loss, grief, illness, or other problems. Join the Broadway ministerial team, myself and artist Jenny McGee for this contemplative service tomorrow. Jenny will bless us with live painting during the service. I will have my Christmas CDs available for sale following this service. Later this week and next I will have a few orchestra Holiday concerts, this Saturday the 9th with the Springfield Symphony at 2.30 and 7.30 in Hammons Hall and then back in Columbia on Saturday the 16th at the Missouri United Methodist Church. I will also be appearing at church services - on Sunday December 17th at 11am at Missouri United Methodist Church. and on Christmas Eve at 10.30AM at Broadway Christian Church and at 7, 9 and 11PM at the Missouri United Methodist Church. I am also playing for several private and corporate events this month, if you wish to have live harp music during your Christmas party, let me know, it's not too late to add live entertainment that your guests will appreciate! I hope to see you in person, but I would also like to remind you of my...

November 2023

November 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, I hope you are having a beautiful fall! I would like to challenge you to invite a friend and enjoy some live music this month! First, I would like to invite you to my Harp Concert this Saturday, October 28th at 7.00pm in the 4th Street Theatre in Moberly. I know it's 40 minutes away, but please consider coming. I don't play solo recitals often due to my otherwise busy schedule, so it takes extra time and energy to prepare and it would be lovely to see a good turn out for this live performance. The concert will be about an hour in length and I will be covering music from classical, through romantic and popular to fun and one of a kind piece like the Baroque Flamenco! For those of you who come to Harp and Healing, this is a very different energy level in a beautifully restored historic theatre! Back here in Columbia, I will be collaborating with the Columbia Chorale on Chichester Psalms by Bernstein and Gloria by Poulenc. The performance will be on November 4th at 7.00pm at Launer Auditorium, Columbia College, 901 Rogers Street and the concert is called Perseverance of Hope. More information here: https://www.choralartsallianceofmissouri.org/caam-concerts/ Our Harp and Healing mission to bring this service to different churches in our community this year is off to a great start! In November we will be at the Missouri United Methodist Church, 204 S Ninth Street. The service will be as always on the first Tuesday, November 7th...

October 2023

October 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music, Please join us on Tuesday October 3rd for Harp and Healing at 6pm. This time we will meet at Rockbridge Christian Church! We are looking forward to this 45 minutes of healing words and meditative music. I will also be joining the MU Wind Ensemble for a concert in the Missouri Theatre on Monday night, October 2nd at 7pm. These are wonderful young talented musicians and it's always a joy to join them under the direction of our friend Brian Silvey! I will be in Springfield on October 7th, playing a concert with the Springfield Symphony at 7.30pm at the Hammons Hall. More info here: https://www.springfieldmosymphony.org/concerts/october/rivers After this concert, I have a few lovely fall wedding ceremonies to play in Hermann and Saint Louis and also playing background harp music for a corporate event in Kansas City. At the end of this month I will be playing a solo harp recital in Moberly, if you can, please come to that one, I will be playing music from Baroque through Romantic and modern including the Baroque Flamenco! This concert is organized by Moberly Area Arts Council and will happen at the 4th Street Theatre at 7pm on October 28th! Hope to see you tonight or at any of these events!  

September 2023

September 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music,   I hope you had a wonderful relaxing summer! I was able to see my family and friends in Slovakia and England and had a great time visiting, relaxing, hiking and traveling.   I am back in US, performing and teaching and I hope to see you at one of these events :-)   Harp and Healing - tomorrow night, Tuesday September 5th at 6pm. Join us for 45 minutes of uplifting meditations and relaxing music. Bring a friend along to share this experience. It is hard to describe this service that started 12 years ago and continues on every first Tuesday September through May, but someone in the past described it to me as "this felt like a massage for the soul". It's free and open to all. This service will take place in Broadway Christian Church, new starting time this year - 6pm. We are also branching out a bit this year, collaborating with various other churches on this monthly service, so our October Harp and Healing will be at the Rock Bridge Christian Church. If you think your church would be interested in this collaboration in the future, please let me know. On Sunday September 10th, I am happy to return to a wedding venue dear to my heart to meet future brides and tell them about the beauty of live music for their wedding. The Emerson Fields Open House is a great place to meet my favorite wedding vendors and see the venue in its full beauty. So if you know of anyone getting married this...

May 2023

May 2023 Newsletter

Dear friends of Harp music, With this lovely weather outside, I would love to invite you to events where you will be able to hear the harp in the month of May. Tomorrow, we close our season of Harp and Healing at 5:30 at Broadway Christian Church. Whether are you are in need of healing -  physical, emotional, or healing from grief, or whether you just want to quiet down with calming and relaxing live Harp music and meditations by Pastor Terry Overfelt, you’re more than welcome to attend this free 45 minute long event. The next event I warmly invite you to is happening this Sunday May 7th at 6 PM at Broadway Christian Church. It is a Harp Recital given by all my students! They are all so talented, bringing first and second prize is from the Kansas City Lyra harp competition and the best ratings from the Federation of Music Clubs! I have two graduating seniors whom I have been teaching for last 10 years and this is your last chance to hear them for a while in Columbia! So, don’t miss this chance and come to the Harp recital on Sunday! It will be about an hour in length and you will hear performance on lever harp as well as pedal harp. If you know of anyone, child or adult interested in learning to play the harp, please invite them to this recital. I will have openings in my studio next semester and a beginner instrument available for rent. On Saturday May 13th, I will be...