March 2021 Newsletter

Dear friends of harp music,
I hope you have enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. I personally can’t wait to get outside more after the long winter. I enjoy working in the garden, planting flowers and vegetables and of course going to many of Columbia parks with my kids and State parks for hikes.
With a new month, I would like to mention to you some of the events that my harp gets to go to!
For those of you struggling with grief, illness, loss or simply looking to pause and feel spiritually uplifted, please watch our Harp and Healing service. While we can’t meet in person yet, I am so grateful for technology and the ability to record these services and have them available for you to watch anytime. I know in my own life, I really appreciate this monthly time of solitude, music and meditations. Big thank you to Pastor Terry Overfelt for inspiring us with meaningful readings and Taby Lane, who sets up the “stage” and records the services.
Click here to watch it on Youtube.
As the wedding season is starting now in March, I am looking forward to playing wedding ceremonies again. The pandemic is still preventing us from big gatherings, but live music helps create a special atmosphere for any wedding ceremony, big or micro! If you know of anyone who might enjoy live harp music on their big day, please send them to
Talking about love and weddings – my friend, harpist Ruth Acuff and I had a virtual Valentine’s Day concert, thank you all who watched and also donated to our projects. It’s very much appreciated! If you missed it and would like to watch, you can still do so here, just scroll down to February 14th.
I continue to teach my private students of all ages and levels. My young students are working hard currently preparing for a competition in KC next month. My adult students never cease to amaze me with their determination, progress and enjoyment of music. My new students are a pure joy to watch, discovering the sound of harp and I am delighted in how quickly they are progressing through the beginning stages learning to read music and learning to play at the same time! The bonds are friendships that are created in music lessons are my favorite part!
I was also honored to teach a special 2 week long workshop Civebra 2021 in Brazil at the end of February and beginning of March. The festival was all online this year, but I had a wonderful experience getting to know harpists in Brazil and helping them on their journey from the comfort of my own home. Learned a tiny bit of Portuguese along the way too!
Lastly, I would like to remind you that my albums Healing Harp and Romantic harp can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Apple music, YouTube, Amazon music, Deezer or as a physical CD at the Music Suite on Providence.
For current pictures, short music videos and news, please find me on the following social media:
Click on either of these to take you there: FacebookInstagramYouTube channel
Thank you and stay safe and healthy,
P.S: if you are no longer interested to receive my monthly newsletter, please respond to this email with Unsubscribe and I will take your address of off my email list.
 Best wishes,